C-Pipe Wang
Tabaccheria Toto13 is thrilled to be one of the first online tobacco pipe shops in Italy and Europe to sell Wilson Wang C-Pipes 最好的煙鬥 , an absolute novelty on the Italian and European tobacco pipe market.
Wilson Wang and his partners, having started as importers and distributors of pipes in Asia, the C-Pipes producers fell in love with the art and culture of hand-made briar pipes.
From this love was born the idea of producing high-level tobacco pipes, unique, works of art but also that smoked very well ... producing pipes that smokers and enthusiasts considered among the best in the world.
This family-run business has enlisted the expertise of a famous Danish pipe carver to teach their team the art of pipe making and launched C-Pipes in 2012.
The pipe maker within C-pipe is Mr. Wilson Wang YiGang, born in 1969 and living in JiLin city and smoking tobacco pipes from Japan and Russia.
Mr. Wilson Wang YiGang decided to try to make his own light and carved pipe following Asian and Chinese styles and opened Wilson Art & Crafts Co. ltd in Shanghai.
Mr. Wilson Wang YiGang has been making pipes since 2008 and has carefully studied Danish pipe masters such as Bo Nordh and Jörn Micke to get inspiration and create his own style from there, he also tries to spend as much time as possible in nature where he finds inspiration.
Since then they have refined their production methods, characterized their design with unique and beautiful sculptural shapes inspired by nature, the culture of the country of the dragon, which make C-pipe pipes Wilson Wang works of art, produces about 50 pipes a year, all made of Italian briar and ebonite from Germany.
Its success in the Asian market, China, Japan, Singapore, Australia and Russia convinced to expand the tobacco pipe production business and created a school of craftsmen to create high quality tobacco pipes.
Now with 34 pipe makers and 8 design and technical staff, Shanghai Wilson Arts & Crafts Co. has brought C-Pipes to Europe
We at Tabaccheria Toto13 were the first to try a C-Pipe when it arrived in Europe, and we were impressed by its quality, lightness, as well as aesthetics, but also by its fantastic smoking aspects.
C-Pipes smoke perfectly, excellent especially with aromatic tobaccos.
We expect them to be very popular in Europe and Italy and we look forward to receiving your feedback!
Discover the new pipes by Mr. Wilson Wang of C-pipe, buy these wonderful sculpture pipes, we will ship them to your home all over the world!