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Pomme Prisonniere en calvados By Massenez Vol.40% Cl.70 G.E. Massenez Calvados
Pomme Prisonniere en calvados By Massenez Vol.40% Cl.70 G.E. Massenez Calvados
Pomme Prisonniere en calvados By Massenez Vol.40% Cl.70 G.E. Massenez Calvados Pomme Prisonniere en calvados By Massenez Vol.40% Cl.70 G.E. Massenez Calvados Pomme Prisonniere en calvados By Massenez Vol.40% Cl.70 G.E. Massenez Calvados

Pomme Prisonniere en calvados By Massenez Vol.40% Cl.70

52,44 €
  • La manzana pequeña, todavía en la rama, se inserta en la botella.
  • Para preservar la manzana, la botella de Calvados se llena.
  • ¡El resultado es un súper calvados!
  • Original botella francesa con manzana conservada en Calvados.
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G.E. Massenez

It was in 1981 that G.e. Massenez marketed the first "Pomme Prisonniere en calvados".

Chance had led him to discover a few kilometers from the distillery a fruit producer, Didier Alleaume, whose family closed each year, some pears in jugs for the pleasure of rare privileged ones.

Very quickly, the idea of ​​combining apples and Calvados seemed interesting.

Massenez and Alleaume together, have decided to try the adventure of "Pomme Prisonniere en calvados".

How was the apple introduced into the carafe?

Already in April the apple trees are covered with white and pink flowers.

In May, the fruit embryo forms in the heart of the fading flower.

Unfertilized fruits break off and drop off after flowering.

Only 5% of the embryos will become apple.

Waiting until the end of May to introduce the young fruits in the decanter means running the risk that the neck is too tight.

Introducing it too early is sure to fail!

The difficulty is determining the exact moment when you need to suspend the jug on the branch and introduce the little apple that will grow over the summer.

At the end of September, the decanter is removed from the tree;

The apple inside the bottle is carefully cleaned and filled with Calvados Pays d'Auge vieux distilled by Massenez.

During the long months of maceration, the gustatory value of the apple is added to that of the Calvados.

The resulting distillate is a reinforced calvados .... very good, full-bodied, long!

To maintain indefinitely, and in its brilliance, "Pomme Prisonniere en calvados", add more Calvados before the apple remains uncovered, Calvados G.e. Massenez Pays d'Auge, of course!


Ficha de datos

Materia prima
Acabado superficial
Envejecido en barrica
País de producción
Graduación alcohólica
Formato de botella
Tipo de produccion

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