List of products by brand MICHEL COUVREUR
Michel Couvreur, Belgian of origin and nègociant of wines of Burgundy, is nicknamed the last of the Mohincans because he is the last true craftsman of Whiskey.
Couvreur is one of Whiskey's most renowned maison breeders.
Michel Couvreur He was nicknamed the last of the Mohicans because he was the last true Whiskey craftsman, a Whiskey artist.
He required that the realization of each production phase be carried out according to his indications; he had always followed personally every detail, starting from the use of only pearl barley Bere Barley, an ancient variety of barley, very unproductive, therefore disused, which he himself planted in Orkney.
Unlike the rest of the independent bottlers, Michel has never indicated on the label the distillery of origin of his Whiskey.
He asserted that 90% of the quality of a Whiskey is given by aging in stalks and that only 10% from the distillation process, so much so that the advent of the former Bourbon barrels to supplant the rarer and more expensive former sherry barrels , was considered by Michel as a real tragedy.
We summarize: a Scotch malt whiskey, distilled from a Belgian company, aged in Bouze (sic) Beaune in Burgundy, in sherry barrels imported from Spain, and reduced with water by Loch Katrine. Stronger than the common agricultural policy, so to speak.
Michel Couvreur's products are based on the highest Scottish tradition.
We dedicated an important article of our Blog to Michel Couvreur and his passion for whiskey: