List of products by brand Bruno Pilzer Distilleria

Ivano and Bruno Pilzer, who since 1983, the year of their foundation, have maintained their course, with an artisanal production in the tradition.

In 1957, in Faver, father Vincenzo started the distillation business by creating a small distillery with a discontinuous bain-marie still, still kept on the farm today. The beginning was difficult, as the technical knowledge was very limited, but everything was overcome with ingenuity and skill. The secrets learned over time have been handed down to the sons Bruno and Ivano, both oenologists, who carry on the family "lambicar" with great passion and professionalism. Bruno refines over the years a great technique in the art of distilling, while Ivano becomes the operative arm. From the old seat in the town, a few years ago Bruno and Ivano decided to transfer the distillery to Faver's "Portegnac", a place of water, an essential element in distillation, at the foot of Mount "Castion", a sacred and spiritual place for ancient populations of the valley

In the range of distillates there are the collection of eight single-vine grappas, from Chardonnay to Pinot Noir

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